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My name is Miranda Webber, founder and owner of #myscrappylife.
I have been scrapbooking since 2003. I was pregnant with my son, Austin, and I wanted to take my photos and preserve them in a way that was more than just putting the photos in the album.  When I started paper crafting, I used to do double page spreads, having the same paper on each side, with the same style of photos and embellishments; however, now, I have two children and whole different perspective in life in regards to my paper crafting. 
I do traveler's notebooks, mini albums, and recently bullet journaling. I am in love with mixed media, lots of layers, and having one to four photos on a page.  I will still do double page spreads but have gone more towards the complementary pages while flipping through all my family's albums, traveler's notebooks, and my mini albums. 
I am married to an amazing husband, Joshua, and have two lovely children, Austin and Kaelynn. I love to preserve our family trips, every day moments, and special occasions. My hobbies, photography, fitness, and reading are also big reasons I enjoy paper crafting. I love the idea of my memories being preserved in a way that goes beyond the photo album.
Miranda Webber
Owner, #myscrappylife


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