Hello to Summer!!
I am finally on summer break and this school year took a lot out of me to the point where I didn't even do blog posts! I never realized how much teaching will take out until you become a teacher. I am excited to be back doing what I love and I hope for sure, I can keep this going! But as you can see, we will see!
I am excited to be collaborating with Spiegel Mom Scraps this month with my Volume 1 Sketches. The SMS design team will be using my sketches for inspiration while using the amazing sequins! I have a discount code "Miranda15" for 15% off any sequins you purchase and in my shop, you just click on the volume you need and they are automatically 20% off during the month of June!
Here are some fantastic layouts using my layout from the Design Team!
Jessica did wonderful take on Sketch Number Four, Volume One. I just love her daughter's layout; it's perfect! Click on the photo for the YouTube Process Video!
Moira has an amazing take on Sketch Number Five, Volume One. She did a really great job including the sequins and the sketch into her layout! Click on the photo for the YouTube Process Video!
If you already Volume One, I have two other Volumes that have been released. Go check out my shop and remember they are automatically 20% off just slide them right into cart and check out!!
Until Next Time, Stay Safe and I will talk to you soon!
Miranda Webber
Owner, #myscrappylife